These chapters are an abbreviated introduction to the basics of understanding CAMBRA. In this caption, you will readily recognize that there is not much information about teeth in people's minds from the time of eruption of the new little teeth and problems that begin to be obvious. There is a point in time when the damage that Dental Caries disease is causing to the surface of teeth is not seen and then the earliest stages become obvious. On the xray there begin to appear little decalcified areas between the teeth. White spot lesions will sometimes appear on the smooth surfaces of the teeth. After these earliest lesions have developed and gotten deeper, they will pass a point at which this damage becomes "irreversible" and the method of protecting the tooth from continued damage in traditional dentistry is to resort to taking the decay out of the lesion in the tooth and placing inert fillings in the place of the enamel and dentin that had been destroyed by dental decay.
It doesn't take much time to find out that this becomes more and more expensive as the lesions are larger and deeper.

It won't take long to experience the "caries-go-round" as you return to need more fillings and that fillings that were previously placed might have to be replaced due to "recurrent decay" or just plain deterioration with passage of time. Great! You may not be as frustrated with this scenario as you will be when you realize that this was all "curable and preventable" with a very simple and economical "caries risk and management" program leading you to be "cavity-free for life".
Now to the next chaper and learn what will fill these blank areas of ignorance of just what is happening.
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