Remember how little information there was in the first graph? Now that I look back, I had been a reparative dentist for 35 years and almost everything prior to the "line of first detection" was unknown......and this is now the whole backbone of ethical practice of dentistry. So, don't let anyone try to excuse themselves from the ethical and logic of taking a careful look at this information (CAMBRA) and the ethics and just plain human compassion of passing it on to everyone.
So, by tapping this picture, it will enlarge and you can read the notations more clearly. The actual power point with its accompanying audio CD gives this a complete and very clear presentation which is much superior to this introduction here on the Blog.
The most important thing to notice on this depiction is that band of color where the parents have gone through cure and are now maintaining the "healthy biofilm"AND it stops at the "line of first detection of damage". In other words this is why you can enjoy being "cavity-free for life"is because you and the entire family (even circle of significant others?) are maintaining the healthy biofilm.
BEWARE: Due to unexpected risk factors that you may not even have imagined originally, you can throw your "caries balance" into IMBALANCE and YOU WILL NOT EVEN KNOW IT. This is why, for the rest of your life, regular Caries Risk Assessment is absolutely vital. What you don't know, can hurt you !
The next chapter 6 contains the "Caries imbalance" chart conceived by Dr. John Featherstone who is now the Dean of the highly prestigious UCSF. (University of California at San Francisco). He has received the highest award for scientific contribution to dentistry given to dental professionals and scientific researchers in the nation....the Ross award. This "Caries Imbalance" chart can give you a basic synthesis of all of this information in your mind. so ...see you at chapter 6.
This is what we've been looking for. Beware, government and corporate health care interference . Patients are beginning to use their superior intrinsic financial and their Optimal Oral and physical wellness success to take back ownership of the health system.