Saturday, May 8, 2010

2 new Dental Schools in Utah. Dental School for Dental Students and DENTAL SCHOOL FOR PATIENTS!

In south Salt Lake, there is a new dental school planned to open in 2011. It will be the first and only complete dental school in Utah. The students will pay $50,000 in tuition each of the 4 years which will total $200,000 not counting their living expenses and other books and instruments costs. The high goals of the school will result in well trained new dentists who will then go out into the communities to provide "Primary, Secondary and Tertiary" dental care. They will be told by qualified dental office advisers that "the future looks good". People are living longer and keeping more of their teeth and the percentage of people having dental decay and infections is into 99% of the population.
It is a private dental school whose principals will be betting along with the students huge amounts of money invested on the belief that, like past centuries, the future will provide a very desirable life-style, income and satisfaction of helping people in a way they can't seem to help themselves. It will provide enough money to pay for their school debt, office overhead expenses and retirement, almost all of which will be paid for by patients with problems to be solved. These new dental students will be lining up for a chance to be a part of this grand "bet" and their families will be proud of them as becoming health professionals, even "Doctors". A good life seems almost guaranteed.
Patients, who's money will be paying for all of this, directly or indirectly, will not be as exhiliarated and thrilled by this scenario though. But, patients, be of good cheer ! The second "dental school" is called the dental school for patients.
In just the past few years, the accumulation of scientific facts has brought the conclusion by the nation's dental health experts to declare that dental "caries is both curable and preventable". At this very moment, predictably successful guidance is available to all patients of all ages to "be cavity-free for life". 40 of 55 dental schools are teaching the "CAMBRA" methodology of managing the Dental Caries disease.
So, not all newly graduating dentists will have the motivation or skill to apply this "cure" for all patients. PLUS, the vast majority of practicing dentists in our nation will have been trained in what is now called "old", "traditional" or "drill and fill" dentistry which has proven "ineffective" in managing Dental Caries for decades now, and results in the high percentages of dental decay in our nation with dramatically increasing costs.
So, how to best take advantage of this huge new scientific breakthrough and "gift" to patients of "cure". This "new standard" of dentistry has inspired the dental society in California to make a goal to "eradicate" dental caries in every county, culture and community in California by 2010. Utah is attempting to match that goal.
The dental school for dentists needs many years, full time and highly concentrated training to teach the basic skills and techniques because it is difficult and highly technical in nature. In contrast, to the blessing to patients, is, to "be cavity-free for life" is so simple, fast and economical that patients can be taught how to do it for themselves as well as others in a matter of minutes. !
So, compare: 4 highly concentrated and difficult and extremely expensive years in dental school for dentists to do procedures that have proven to be "ineffective" in curing the disease,
perhaps 2 hours of study and skill training which empowers an ordinary patient, not requiring a scientific or academic background, to actually "be cavity-free for life" himself as well as others around him, successfully, simply and economically!.

There is a location in south Ogden which is trying to serve as a "campaign center" for the statewide goal to "eradicate dental caries in Utah in 2010" which also offers a "Dental School for Patients" training. The costs are the same as any person who will do what it takes to "be cavity-free for life", about the cost of one filling for the average patients plus some small expenditures to cover the costs of DVD's, audio CD's and printed materials, basic supplies and a "ATP Screening" instrument and supplies. . Patients who take the training will receive a certificate of being a "Carifree Certified Clinician". They now have an opportunity to begin building a new "wellness" practice offering "Optimal Oral and general health" with an income commensurate or possibly superior with other dental health practitioners.

In my opinion, after 40 years of being a Dentist, this is the greatest career opportunity in all of the dental health field. It will yield more predictable results to actually bring the spread of Dental Caries to a dead stop, for a lifetime. It is available to virtually anyone with a minimal investment of time and money but a maximum of effectiveness. Because it is not "exclusive" to highly trained dentists, it allows an army of effective patient/"clinicians" to actually eradicate this terrible disease, Dental Caries, after being rampant throughout the world for centuries! The average dentist's income will be dependent on building a "loyal" group of about 1000 patients, offering "dentistry"...shots, drills, surgery and expense, but is generally successful. A "Wellness practice" that offers a very short, simple, painless and affordable health solution that has 1000 families as loyal patients achieving Optimal Oral and also Optimal general health, will match or possibly exceed the average income of a practicing, licensed dentist.

Interested? Call 801 643-1812 or email:


  1. Honestly, this is the first time that I've heard of dental school for patients. It's a good idea! Both future dentists and patients will learn the best ways to prevent oral health problems to occur. I might as well share this topic to one of my nephew's dentists in Collierville area. I'm sure we'll have a lively discussion. Thanks for sharing such unique news!

  2. Choosing the right Dental Training Program will greatly impact your success and ability to find employment in your new career.

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