"Eradicate Dental Caries in California in 2010"
"Eradicate Dental Caries in Utah in 2010"
These are two very important goals that have been stated since 2007 and 2008.
Usually the result is stated as "be cavity-free for life". With fairly recent scientific discoveries, this could be considered very misleading.!
Please let me explain:
One of the 60% of human diseases called "Biofilm" diseases, has been given a name which could be very misleading to the average person. This name draws attention to a chronic disease which the CDC (Center for Disease Control) reports affects not only 92% of people ages 20-45 but also "over 99% of Americans over 45 years of age". It has been described by a U.S. Surgeon General as a "silent epidemic of oral disease" and by others as "pandemic" and a 'Senior Tsunami of oral disease" as well as the #1 chronic disease of young children. It is estimated to cost the American people in 2010 about $119 billion and predicted to increase by the year 2015 to $163.7 billion, an additional $47.3 billion more to come. It is estimated to cause 40% of adults in Japan, Western Europe and the United States to lose an average of 13 teeth and by the age 65, 25% will have lost all teeth, an 80% reduction of edentulism since 1960. It has been considered "epidemic" and is increasing amongst toddlers.
All of this destruction and expense is also generally experienced world-wide and is considered by some to be "the most experienced" disease in the world and the most contageous as well when considering that this bacterial infection is not found in the mouth or throat of newborn babies. So, starting from zero incidence at birth but rapidly growing to "epidemic" proportions for toddlers and on to 50% of children to 78% of 17 year olds, 92 % of 20-45 year olds and "over 99% of Americans over 45" resulting in major damage and expense but also resulting in one out of four people who reach 65 years of age having NO teeth remaining in their mouths! That could easily be called a destructive, virulent disease!
Believe it or not, all of that damage PALES INCOMPARISON with the rest of the damage this same biofilm disease has been found doing to the rest of our bodies and our overall health.
Type II Diabetes has been recently noticed to be starting in unprecedented young ages between 9 to 19 years old. Heart disease seems to be increasingly discovered in younger and younger children. Obesity, which is also epidemic in proportions in the world is increasing in incidence in children more and more newborns. These increases in deadly killer diseases appears to be paralleling the aforementioned rapid increases in percentages of the population experiencing "dental cavities" caused by the "cariogenic biofilm." or "Dental caries" disease. It has been reported that the "epidemic in dental decay amongst young childen is "exacerbating other childhood diseases such as asthma and diabetes. The bacteria from this dental decay disease Dental Caries, were found having entered into the blood stream. (called bacteremia:), evoking a reaction from the powerful immune system creating "inflammation" in the body. Within the past 5 years, researchers have reported that those people who have enough of the decay producing bactieria to cause cavities, there was a 78% chance that these bacteria were being found in the plaque of coronary arteries and living on the heart valves as well as increasing the production of plaque in the blood vessel walls from their contribution to "inflammation" .
In the comparison of progress from risk factors to Dental caries diseases and on to the resulting "symptoms" of dental decay (cavities, infection and loss of teeth) it was noted that it seemed to be exactly the same pattern of being:
"silent" in the beginning and not evoking "symptoms" until it has progressed in destruction to the 80-100% of the "end stage" as other diseases which had been called "Silent Killer diseases".
The most familiar of these "silent killer diseases" would obviously be heart disease, stroke, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes. With the discovery that informing the public and even many health professionals of the amount of mortality and morbidity in young children caused by Dental Caries had been considered "shielded" from the public awareness and the number of deaths of young children possible never to be known, Dental Caries had been elevated from a nagging chronic disease of the teeth only, to become also a "silent killer disease" as well as a dangerous and possibly lethal risk factor for heart disease and the metabolic syndrome (stoke, diabetes, cancer etc).
With the discovery of these "links" of Dental Caries to the major killer diseases, the importance of this disease and its expense has gone from "cavities" to major life-threatening diseases as well as the alarming difference between the individuals' thousands of tens of thousands of dollars dental expenses to the relatively huge expenses, handicapping and deaths by the major killer diseases, the importance of eradicating dental caries" demands careful attention from people of all ages instead of the usual public indifference encountered by mosty people involved in promoting its" eradication". DON'T BE MISLED. THE GREATEST BENEFIT OF ERADICATING DENTAL CARIES WILL BE PREVENTION OF KILLER DISEASES . BEING CAVITY-FREE IS A RELATIVELY SMALL BENEFIT IN COMPARISON.
contact us a.s.a.p.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
2 new Dental Schools in Utah. Dental School for Dental Students and DENTAL SCHOOL FOR PATIENTS!
In south Salt Lake, there is a new dental school planned to open in 2011. It will be the first and only complete dental school in Utah. The students will pay $50,000 in tuition each of the 4 years which will total $200,000 not counting their living expenses and other books and instruments costs. The high goals of the school will result in well trained new dentists who will then go out into the communities to provide "Primary, Secondary and Tertiary" dental care. They will be told by qualified dental office advisers that "the future looks good". People are living longer and keeping more of their teeth and the percentage of people having dental decay and infections is into 99% of the population.
It is a private dental school whose principals will be betting along with the students huge amounts of money invested on the belief that, like past centuries, the future will provide a very desirable life-style, income and satisfaction of helping people in a way they can't seem to help themselves. It will provide enough money to pay for their school debt, office overhead expenses and retirement, almost all of which will be paid for by patients with problems to be solved. These new dental students will be lining up for a chance to be a part of this grand "bet" and their families will be proud of them as becoming health professionals, even "Doctors". A good life seems almost guaranteed.
Patients, who's money will be paying for all of this, directly or indirectly, will not be as exhiliarated and thrilled by this scenario though. But, patients, be of good cheer ! The second "dental school" is called the dental school for patients.
In just the past few years, the accumulation of scientific facts has brought the conclusion by the nation's dental health experts to declare that dental "caries is both curable and preventable". At this very moment, predictably successful guidance is available to all patients of all ages to "be cavity-free for life". 40 of 55 dental schools are teaching the "CAMBRA" methodology of managing the Dental Caries disease.
So, not all newly graduating dentists will have the motivation or skill to apply this "cure" for all patients. PLUS, the vast majority of practicing dentists in our nation will have been trained in what is now called "old", "traditional" or "drill and fill" dentistry which has proven "ineffective" in managing Dental Caries for decades now, and results in the high percentages of dental decay in our nation with dramatically increasing costs.
So, how to best take advantage of this huge new scientific breakthrough and "gift" to patients of "cure". This "new standard" of dentistry has inspired the dental society in California to make a goal to "eradicate" dental caries in every county, culture and community in California by 2010. Utah is attempting to match that goal.
The dental school for dentists needs many years, full time and highly concentrated training to teach the basic skills and techniques because it is difficult and highly technical in nature. In contrast, to the blessing to patients, is, to "be cavity-free for life" is so simple, fast and economical that patients can be taught how to do it for themselves as well as others in a matter of minutes. !
So, compare: 4 highly concentrated and difficult and extremely expensive years in dental school for dentists to do procedures that have proven to be "ineffective" in curing the disease,
perhaps 2 hours of study and skill training which empowers an ordinary patient, not requiring a scientific or academic background, to actually "be cavity-free for life" himself as well as others around him, successfully, simply and economically!.
There is a location in south Ogden which is trying to serve as a "campaign center" for the statewide goal to "eradicate dental caries in Utah in 2010" which also offers a "Dental School for Patients" training. The costs are the same as any person who will do what it takes to "be cavity-free for life", about the cost of one filling for the average patients plus some small expenditures to cover the costs of DVD's, audio CD's and printed materials, basic supplies and a "ATP Screening" instrument and supplies. . Patients who take the training will receive a certificate of being a "Carifree Certified Clinician". They now have an opportunity to begin building a new "wellness" practice offering "Optimal Oral and general health" with an income commensurate or possibly superior with other dental health practitioners.
In my opinion, after 40 years of being a Dentist, this is the greatest career opportunity in all of the dental health field. It will yield more predictable results to actually bring the spread of Dental Caries to a dead stop, for a lifetime. It is available to virtually anyone with a minimal investment of time and money but a maximum of effectiveness. Because it is not "exclusive" to highly trained dentists, it allows an army of effective patient/"clinicians" to actually eradicate this terrible disease, Dental Caries, after being rampant throughout the world for centuries! The average dentist's income will be dependent on building a "loyal" group of about 1000 patients, offering "dentistry"...shots, drills, surgery and expense, but is generally successful. A "Wellness practice" that offers a very short, simple, painless and affordable health solution that has 1000 families as loyal patients achieving Optimal Oral and also Optimal general health, will match or possibly exceed the average income of a practicing, licensed dentist.
Interested? Call 801 643-1812 or email: www.patientsown@hotmail.com
It is a private dental school whose principals will be betting along with the students huge amounts of money invested on the belief that, like past centuries, the future will provide a very desirable life-style, income and satisfaction of helping people in a way they can't seem to help themselves. It will provide enough money to pay for their school debt, office overhead expenses and retirement, almost all of which will be paid for by patients with problems to be solved. These new dental students will be lining up for a chance to be a part of this grand "bet" and their families will be proud of them as becoming health professionals, even "Doctors". A good life seems almost guaranteed.
Patients, who's money will be paying for all of this, directly or indirectly, will not be as exhiliarated and thrilled by this scenario though. But, patients, be of good cheer ! The second "dental school" is called the dental school for patients.
In just the past few years, the accumulation of scientific facts has brought the conclusion by the nation's dental health experts to declare that dental "caries is both curable and preventable". At this very moment, predictably successful guidance is available to all patients of all ages to "be cavity-free for life". 40 of 55 dental schools are teaching the "CAMBRA" methodology of managing the Dental Caries disease.
So, not all newly graduating dentists will have the motivation or skill to apply this "cure" for all patients. PLUS, the vast majority of practicing dentists in our nation will have been trained in what is now called "old", "traditional" or "drill and fill" dentistry which has proven "ineffective" in managing Dental Caries for decades now, and results in the high percentages of dental decay in our nation with dramatically increasing costs.
So, how to best take advantage of this huge new scientific breakthrough and "gift" to patients of "cure". This "new standard" of dentistry has inspired the dental society in California to make a goal to "eradicate" dental caries in every county, culture and community in California by 2010. Utah is attempting to match that goal.
The dental school for dentists needs many years, full time and highly concentrated training to teach the basic skills and techniques because it is difficult and highly technical in nature. In contrast, to the blessing to patients, is, to "be cavity-free for life" is so simple, fast and economical that patients can be taught how to do it for themselves as well as others in a matter of minutes. !
So, compare: 4 highly concentrated and difficult and extremely expensive years in dental school for dentists to do procedures that have proven to be "ineffective" in curing the disease,
perhaps 2 hours of study and skill training which empowers an ordinary patient, not requiring a scientific or academic background, to actually "be cavity-free for life" himself as well as others around him, successfully, simply and economically!.
There is a location in south Ogden which is trying to serve as a "campaign center" for the statewide goal to "eradicate dental caries in Utah in 2010" which also offers a "Dental School for Patients" training. The costs are the same as any person who will do what it takes to "be cavity-free for life", about the cost of one filling for the average patients plus some small expenditures to cover the costs of DVD's, audio CD's and printed materials, basic supplies and a "ATP Screening" instrument and supplies. . Patients who take the training will receive a certificate of being a "Carifree Certified Clinician". They now have an opportunity to begin building a new "wellness" practice offering "Optimal Oral and general health" with an income commensurate or possibly superior with other dental health practitioners.
In my opinion, after 40 years of being a Dentist, this is the greatest career opportunity in all of the dental health field. It will yield more predictable results to actually bring the spread of Dental Caries to a dead stop, for a lifetime. It is available to virtually anyone with a minimal investment of time and money but a maximum of effectiveness. Because it is not "exclusive" to highly trained dentists, it allows an army of effective patient/"clinicians" to actually eradicate this terrible disease, Dental Caries, after being rampant throughout the world for centuries! The average dentist's income will be dependent on building a "loyal" group of about 1000 patients, offering "dentistry"...shots, drills, surgery and expense, but is generally successful. A "Wellness practice" that offers a very short, simple, painless and affordable health solution that has 1000 families as loyal patients achieving Optimal Oral and also Optimal general health, will match or possibly exceed the average income of a practicing, licensed dentist.
Interested? Call 801 643-1812 or email: www.patientsown@hotmail.com
Battle of the Bulge General said "Nuts"...You say "Nuts"
"Nuts" was the reply from an American General who was invited by Nazi Generals to surrender at the "Battle of the Bulge". At this point the future actually did look very bleak. It was a major "seige" of tens of thousands of american soldiers in one of the worst winters in European history.
These soldiers were husbands, "daddies", brothers, uncles, cousins, and somebody's neighbor whose future lives were still ahead of them. This brave reply was probably mostly given in faith. Fortunately, the weather improved and the fighers and bombers were able to drive the enemy back and eventually to defeat. It's a great story, but the moms, dads present and future, along with their children, grandchildren and more preset and future are faced with a powerful challenge even in today's modern world. This is the, mostly ignored, dental health problem that is brought upon almost all of us with an exasperating, expensive and even deadly disease, Dental Caries.
When the approximately 3 million residents of Utah were born, they didn't have any bacteria in their mouths, but according to a statement by the Dental Select dental insurance company, 99% of Utahns have had an experience with dental decay, from a bacterial infection in the mouth. It has been described as "infectious and transmissible". That seems to be an understatement. The cost of dental care in Utah for 2010 is estimated to be $960 million. It is "epidemic" in toddlers and sliding into being "pandemic" with senior citizens. An estimated 25% of the population will have lost all of their teeth by age 65. That's about 750,000 people. There are 32 teeth each which comes to the total of: 24,000,000 teeth lost. This "amputation" or "extraction" is one of the most dreaded dental procedures of all not to count the pain and expense. There are young children admitted to the Primary Children's hospital every week with extreme and dangerous infection stemming from advanced dental disease. The Pedodontic dental practices receive one of the highest levels of income in the dental profession. Almost all Pedodontists will be experienced in having to do the dental care for young children under general anesthesia due to the huge challenge with the extensiveness of the damage and the behavior problems. Most will do hospital dentistry for young children at least once per week. Some of their practices that are advertised for sale in California are asking prices into the 2 and 3 million dollars.
Most people feel helpless. They are victims of this unpredictable and seemingly uncontrollable disease. There as been a light at the end of the tunnel beginning in 2003 when the US Surgeon General issued a "National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health" to literally everyone calling it a "Wake-up Call" . It informed us that Dental Caries was "Preventable". In 2007 this was bumped up to "curable" and preventable, and in 2010 a promise of "Optimal Oral Health" and being "cavity-free for life" is now available.
Although most people are not even aware of this, it is huge! It has empowered all of us to now have the confidence to reply to this threat of a lifetime of suffering and expense with dental disease ......NUTS ! Our brave reply, given mostly in faith, will also affect our future lives and lives of our children and grandchildren present and in the future. Because of YOUR decision to "be cavity-free for life", freedom from being victimized by this disease can be enjoyed by all of your posterity also!
These soldiers were husbands, "daddies", brothers, uncles, cousins, and somebody's neighbor whose future lives were still ahead of them. This brave reply was probably mostly given in faith. Fortunately, the weather improved and the fighers and bombers were able to drive the enemy back and eventually to defeat. It's a great story, but the moms, dads present and future, along with their children, grandchildren and more preset and future are faced with a powerful challenge even in today's modern world. This is the, mostly ignored, dental health problem that is brought upon almost all of us with an exasperating, expensive and even deadly disease, Dental Caries.
When the approximately 3 million residents of Utah were born, they didn't have any bacteria in their mouths, but according to a statement by the Dental Select dental insurance company, 99% of Utahns have had an experience with dental decay, from a bacterial infection in the mouth. It has been described as "infectious and transmissible". That seems to be an understatement. The cost of dental care in Utah for 2010 is estimated to be $960 million. It is "epidemic" in toddlers and sliding into being "pandemic" with senior citizens. An estimated 25% of the population will have lost all of their teeth by age 65. That's about 750,000 people. There are 32 teeth each which comes to the total of: 24,000,000 teeth lost. This "amputation" or "extraction" is one of the most dreaded dental procedures of all not to count the pain and expense. There are young children admitted to the Primary Children's hospital every week with extreme and dangerous infection stemming from advanced dental disease. The Pedodontic dental practices receive one of the highest levels of income in the dental profession. Almost all Pedodontists will be experienced in having to do the dental care for young children under general anesthesia due to the huge challenge with the extensiveness of the damage and the behavior problems. Most will do hospital dentistry for young children at least once per week. Some of their practices that are advertised for sale in California are asking prices into the 2 and 3 million dollars.
Most people feel helpless. They are victims of this unpredictable and seemingly uncontrollable disease. There as been a light at the end of the tunnel beginning in 2003 when the US Surgeon General issued a "National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health" to literally everyone calling it a "Wake-up Call" . It informed us that Dental Caries was "Preventable". In 2007 this was bumped up to "curable" and preventable, and in 2010 a promise of "Optimal Oral Health" and being "cavity-free for life" is now available.
Although most people are not even aware of this, it is huge! It has empowered all of us to now have the confidence to reply to this threat of a lifetime of suffering and expense with dental disease ......NUTS ! Our brave reply, given mostly in faith, will also affect our future lives and lives of our children and grandchildren present and in the future. Because of YOUR decision to "be cavity-free for life", freedom from being victimized by this disease can be enjoyed by all of your posterity also!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Who is spreading all of this Dental Caries disease?? find them and stop it!!
Dental Caries is the most experienced disease in the world. It is the #1 disease amongst children. It is considered pandemic in the world. It is epidemic with toddlers in this nation and heading towards pandemic in the senior citizen population. 2010 estimated cost for dental expenditures in the nation is: $119.3 billion and the federal government estimate for 2015 is $165.7 billion and rising. .Dental care costs have been described as "skyrocketing" and "out of control".
In Utah, a study by a large dental insurance company stated that 99% of Utahns experience dental decay by the time they are 45 years of age. The estimated cost of dental care in Utah for 2010 is about $960 million.
When a baby is born there are no bacteria in the mouth. If that child has any cavities, the cavities were caused by a complex bacterial infection.(Cariogenic Biofilm or Dental Caries). Where did it come from? It had to be a live transmission into the mouth of the baby. Finding the answer to that will be the beginning of eradicating Dental Caries from Utah and the nation.
With a research grant from the Gerber Foundation, the New York University College of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry, using "Seriology" and "DNA fingerprinting" and found the "primary source of infection".
"...caries is an infectious, transmissible disease..and the bacterial acquisition by children, the source of infection was primarily the mother, as was shown by serology and DNA fingerprinting". " A spoon carried from the mother had a sufficient inoculum....to effect transmission and colonization."
The California Dental Association Journal stated that the number one risk factor for a child is parents who have cavities.
The infection that causes caries has been described as "infectious in nature" and can be "spread" "from parent or caregiver to child or even from child to child".
So we have this highly infectious and transmissible disease spread from parents to children(vertical transmission) and spreads within the family and even out to others or into the family from others(horizontal transmission).
We now need to clarify a very important point. Dental Caries is the name of the disease that causes the "symptoms" of "cavities" or "dental decay". A person can have Dental Caries in the mouth and not have visible signs on the teeth......yet.
The disease Dental Caries is considered a "silent" disease since it can exist in a mouth for years before exhibiting any symptoms or "cavities". A person such as this can still be contagious and due to the "infectious nature" of the disease can be spreading it within his family and everybody else without realizing it. This person could be described as a "carrier", having the disease but not being sick himself.
This would explain why so many people I meet claim they do not have cavities or say they haven't had a cavity for years and years and yet 99% of Utahns are getting it from somewhere! It is my opinion that every person in Utah either has the disease Dental Caries in their mouth or is a Carrier still capable of spreading it to others around me.
In the medical field, there are "underdiagnosed" diseases and people who are "carriers" of diseases without knowing it. It has been explained that there is a "lack of proper understanding about a condition" that lets it avoid detection by a health professional or patient and the lack of symptoms allows the disease to remain hidden but still contagious. Oral disease can also fall into this category.
A well informed health professional who is aware of the possibility of a disease existing but undiagnosed, understands the "critical aspect of prevention" of early detection and recommend the appropriate test to detect a silent or hidden disease. Some silent diseases can be detected with genetic analysis, blood tests and a variety of others using more and more sophisticated technology for accurate diagnosis. Fortunately in "modern dentistry" the "Caries Risk Assessment" and the "Cariscreen ATP meter" can be used for a very accurate detection of the presence of a silent case of Dental Caries when patients deny that they have dental caries disease.
With a predominance of dentists still ascribing to "traditional" or "drill and fill" dental care paradigm, their "hallmark of detecting frank cavities and placing restorations" gives serious misinformation to patients that somehow fillings have any affect on the Dental Caries disease. "Drilling and filling has had little impact in controlling the national caries rate and misses the point as a long-term prevention solution".
So it is obvious with 99% of Utahns having experience with dental decay, that Dental Caries is highly contagious and is being spread extremely efficiently by people who don't even know they are a carrier of the disease. A healthy biofilm is the goal of treatment and good caries risk management but it can change very quickly with no warning to the host patient. With just a change in lifestyle a well established healthy biofilm can be changed into a cariogenic biofilm within only 10 days (study by Phillip Marsh). We are well aware of the effects of "etiologic" factors affecting the disease such as diet, sugar, poor oral hygiene etc, but many people are caught off guard with the "non etiologic" factors. Stress, loss of a job, change in lifestyle or employment etc can cause a imbalance in the "caries balance" without any awareness of the patient/host.
So, the solution is for everyone to have a "caries risk assessment" and a Cariscreen ATP meter screening every 3 or 6 months, depending on the seriousness of their past experience with dental decay. If dental caries disease is detected, it can be treated promptly and damage is avoided as well as stop the spreading of it to others.
A person who is a "Carifree Certified Clinician" would be the best source of this regular screening and assessment, since they can offer the highest level of accuracy with the ATP meter screening instrument along with the Caries Risk Assessment questionnaire.
In Utah, we urgently request that everyone have this assessment and screening as soon as possible. The campaign to "Eradicate Dental Caries in Utah in 2010" needs every fellow Utahn to invite friends and relatives to participate. Call: 801 643-1812 and spend a couple of minutes with us to get on safe ground.
In Utah, a study by a large dental insurance company stated that 99% of Utahns experience dental decay by the time they are 45 years of age. The estimated cost of dental care in Utah for 2010 is about $960 million.
When a baby is born there are no bacteria in the mouth. If that child has any cavities, the cavities were caused by a complex bacterial infection.(Cariogenic Biofilm or Dental Caries). Where did it come from? It had to be a live transmission into the mouth of the baby. Finding the answer to that will be the beginning of eradicating Dental Caries from Utah and the nation.
With a research grant from the Gerber Foundation, the New York University College of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry, using "Seriology" and "DNA fingerprinting" and found the "primary source of infection".
"...caries is an infectious, transmissible disease..and the bacterial acquisition by children, the source of infection was primarily the mother, as was shown by serology and DNA fingerprinting". " A spoon carried from the mother had a sufficient inoculum....to effect transmission and colonization."
The California Dental Association Journal stated that the number one risk factor for a child is parents who have cavities.
The infection that causes caries has been described as "infectious in nature" and can be "spread" "from parent or caregiver to child or even from child to child".
So we have this highly infectious and transmissible disease spread from parents to children(vertical transmission) and spreads within the family and even out to others or into the family from others(horizontal transmission).
We now need to clarify a very important point. Dental Caries is the name of the disease that causes the "symptoms" of "cavities" or "dental decay". A person can have Dental Caries in the mouth and not have visible signs on the teeth......yet.
The disease Dental Caries is considered a "silent" disease since it can exist in a mouth for years before exhibiting any symptoms or "cavities". A person such as this can still be contagious and due to the "infectious nature" of the disease can be spreading it within his family and everybody else without realizing it. This person could be described as a "carrier", having the disease but not being sick himself.
This would explain why so many people I meet claim they do not have cavities or say they haven't had a cavity for years and years and yet 99% of Utahns are getting it from somewhere! It is my opinion that every person in Utah either has the disease Dental Caries in their mouth or is a Carrier still capable of spreading it to others around me.
In the medical field, there are "underdiagnosed" diseases and people who are "carriers" of diseases without knowing it. It has been explained that there is a "lack of proper understanding about a condition" that lets it avoid detection by a health professional or patient and the lack of symptoms allows the disease to remain hidden but still contagious. Oral disease can also fall into this category.
A well informed health professional who is aware of the possibility of a disease existing but undiagnosed, understands the "critical aspect of prevention" of early detection and recommend the appropriate test to detect a silent or hidden disease. Some silent diseases can be detected with genetic analysis, blood tests and a variety of others using more and more sophisticated technology for accurate diagnosis. Fortunately in "modern dentistry" the "Caries Risk Assessment" and the "Cariscreen ATP meter" can be used for a very accurate detection of the presence of a silent case of Dental Caries when patients deny that they have dental caries disease.
With a predominance of dentists still ascribing to "traditional" or "drill and fill" dental care paradigm, their "hallmark of detecting frank cavities and placing restorations" gives serious misinformation to patients that somehow fillings have any affect on the Dental Caries disease. "Drilling and filling has had little impact in controlling the national caries rate and misses the point as a long-term prevention solution".
So it is obvious with 99% of Utahns having experience with dental decay, that Dental Caries is highly contagious and is being spread extremely efficiently by people who don't even know they are a carrier of the disease. A healthy biofilm is the goal of treatment and good caries risk management but it can change very quickly with no warning to the host patient. With just a change in lifestyle a well established healthy biofilm can be changed into a cariogenic biofilm within only 10 days (study by Phillip Marsh). We are well aware of the effects of "etiologic" factors affecting the disease such as diet, sugar, poor oral hygiene etc, but many people are caught off guard with the "non etiologic" factors. Stress, loss of a job, change in lifestyle or employment etc can cause a imbalance in the "caries balance" without any awareness of the patient/host.
So, the solution is for everyone to have a "caries risk assessment" and a Cariscreen ATP meter screening every 3 or 6 months, depending on the seriousness of their past experience with dental decay. If dental caries disease is detected, it can be treated promptly and damage is avoided as well as stop the spreading of it to others.
A person who is a "Carifree Certified Clinician" would be the best source of this regular screening and assessment, since they can offer the highest level of accuracy with the ATP meter screening instrument along with the Caries Risk Assessment questionnaire.
In Utah, we urgently request that everyone have this assessment and screening as soon as possible. The campaign to "Eradicate Dental Caries in Utah in 2010" needs every fellow Utahn to invite friends and relatives to participate. Call: 801 643-1812 and spend a couple of minutes with us to get on safe ground.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Your "Caries Risk Assessment", more urgent than you know.
As I present the possibility of actually curing the disease that causes dental decay, Dental Caries, I am getting a strong message that most people don't think this could possibly apply to them, it inspired me to jot down a few reasons this is more urgent to your future than you may think.
Dental Caries was the leading cause of death in our nation about 200 years ago.
In the JADA, a couple of years ago, there was an article concerning the influence of dental disease has on the "Metabolic Syndrome" previously referred to as "Syndrome X . It basically said that missing teeth, bleeding gums and cavities contribute to stroke, cardiovascular disease, liver damage causing dyslipidemia (harmful levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol), insulin resistance, renal disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disease.
Besides these diseases were the risks from taking the medications of these diseases and having an adverse drug reaction . One recent article mentioned that if "adverse drug reactions" were classified as a "disease" it would be the fifth leading cause of death.
I discovered on the Internet on "Death rates for the 10 leading causes of death ........". Also considering that an oral infection has been also linked to spilling endotoxins into the blood stream and contributing to the overall level of inflammation as well as finding what are usually considered to be specific oral bacteria being found in the plaque in coronary arteries and heart valves, it seems that of these "10 leading causes of death", 9 of them are are still being influenced by Dental Caries. The only one not influenced by it is "accidents".
SO.. Dental Caries, a deadly killer 200 years ago seems to be still influencing 9 of todays leading causes of death and their respective prescribed medications raising the risk of "adverse drug interactions" (could be the 5th leading cause of death if they were classified as "diseases").
Getting a Caries Risk assessment and CariFree Screening having about 96% accuracy and costing about $12 and taking under 5 minutes to receive, seems to be a good decision.
So, why is this clinic not just overwhelmed with requests? I have found that most people, even though they have had "a cavity" may not realize that the disease that caused that cavity is not self-healing and is most likely still existing as a threat to a person's "risk level" of having more cavities.
A person who has not had cavities very recently (truthfully? the last 5 minutes) thinks it won't happen again and doesn't realize that with the incidence of dental decay in people before they are 45 years old in Utah, 99% have experience with dental decay,,,,,what are the chances of being at least a "carrier" of Dental Caries.
Due to it's "infectious nature" it is possible that a "carrier" can still be transmitting this disease to children and others without knowing it. It was reported in an article in the JADA that even a person who does not have "active Dental Caries" and who does not have any damage happening to their teeth, still cannot be safely classified as "low risk". It is because of the "Caries Balance" becoming a "Caries Imbalance"(contributing to dental decay) without the person even being aware of it due to what have been called "unexpected risk factors".
The author mentions such seemingly harmless "life stressors" such as leaving home for the first time to go to school, an illness, an automobile accident, illness or death of a loved one or pet, even a stressful argument with a spouse, a loss of a job etc etc. as sufficient stress to push a person into "at risk" or even "high risk".
This is not even taking into account the estimated large number of people who have "undiagnosed" disease. An "undiagnosed" case of Diabetes, Sjogrens, Gerd or a simple Bulemia could cause this increase of "Caries Risk" levels. The other reason given was the taking of a new medication. It seems to most people that even a simple muscle relaxant wouldn't have any effect on dental disease, or perhaps a blood pressure medication or even antihistimines for flu or a bad cold, but they do. (there are 3000 of these medications listed at http://www.carifree.com/. )
The frequency of returning to get a "Caries Risk Assessment and Screening" is:
1. Every 6 months for the average "low risk" patient. 2. Every 3 months for an "at Risk" patient and perhaps every month for an "extreme risk" patient....until a good, safe score is achieved and the person is "low risk".
So why is it absolutely recommended even for patients with "low Risk" to immediately begin the "prevention" and continue for the rest of their lives with regular risk assessments and a constant vigilance for unexpected risks.
Just consider this for a moment:
Dental Caries has been "pandemic" in the world for at least a couple of centuries.
It was the leading cause of death in our nation 200 years ago, and
today it is "epidemic" amongst toddlers, 78% amongst 17 year olds, 94% amongst those between 20 and 65 and moving into "pandemic" with our senior citizens.
The costs are accelerating at a government's predicted rate of 9% and are already $119 billion now with an estimated $167.3 billion in just the next 5 years.
It is 7 times more common than asthma for children, the most commonly experienced disease in the world and even though the demographics have changed a little, is considered on the increase world wide. It has proven to be deadly, destructive and expensive and it is just not worth the risk to try to ignore it or to discount it's influence and destructiveness.
Perhaps you should pass this information source to others around you. It would be a gift worth thousands or possibly tens of thousands of dollars they won't have to spend if they take our recommendations to "be cavity-free for life", not counting having better general health.
Hm? 801 643-1812
Dental Caries was the leading cause of death in our nation about 200 years ago.
In the JADA, a couple of years ago, there was an article concerning the influence of dental disease has on the "Metabolic Syndrome" previously referred to as "Syndrome X . It basically said that missing teeth, bleeding gums and cavities contribute to stroke, cardiovascular disease, liver damage causing dyslipidemia (harmful levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol), insulin resistance, renal disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disease.
Besides these diseases were the risks from taking the medications of these diseases and having an adverse drug reaction . One recent article mentioned that if "adverse drug reactions" were classified as a "disease" it would be the fifth leading cause of death.
I discovered on the Internet on "Death rates for the 10 leading causes of death ........". Also considering that an oral infection has been also linked to spilling endotoxins into the blood stream and contributing to the overall level of inflammation as well as finding what are usually considered to be specific oral bacteria being found in the plaque in coronary arteries and heart valves, it seems that of these "10 leading causes of death", 9 of them are are still being influenced by Dental Caries. The only one not influenced by it is "accidents".
SO.. Dental Caries, a deadly killer 200 years ago seems to be still influencing 9 of todays leading causes of death and their respective prescribed medications raising the risk of "adverse drug interactions" (could be the 5th leading cause of death if they were classified as "diseases").
Getting a Caries Risk assessment and CariFree Screening having about 96% accuracy and costing about $12 and taking under 5 minutes to receive, seems to be a good decision.
So, why is this clinic not just overwhelmed with requests? I have found that most people, even though they have had "a cavity" may not realize that the disease that caused that cavity is not self-healing and is most likely still existing as a threat to a person's "risk level" of having more cavities.
A person who has not had cavities very recently (truthfully? the last 5 minutes) thinks it won't happen again and doesn't realize that with the incidence of dental decay in people before they are 45 years old in Utah, 99% have experience with dental decay,,,,,what are the chances of being at least a "carrier" of Dental Caries.
Due to it's "infectious nature" it is possible that a "carrier" can still be transmitting this disease to children and others without knowing it. It was reported in an article in the JADA that even a person who does not have "active Dental Caries" and who does not have any damage happening to their teeth, still cannot be safely classified as "low risk". It is because of the "Caries Balance" becoming a "Caries Imbalance"(contributing to dental decay) without the person even being aware of it due to what have been called "unexpected risk factors".
The author mentions such seemingly harmless "life stressors" such as leaving home for the first time to go to school, an illness, an automobile accident, illness or death of a loved one or pet, even a stressful argument with a spouse, a loss of a job etc etc. as sufficient stress to push a person into "at risk" or even "high risk".
This is not even taking into account the estimated large number of people who have "undiagnosed" disease. An "undiagnosed" case of Diabetes, Sjogrens, Gerd or a simple Bulemia could cause this increase of "Caries Risk" levels. The other reason given was the taking of a new medication. It seems to most people that even a simple muscle relaxant wouldn't have any effect on dental disease, or perhaps a blood pressure medication or even antihistimines for flu or a bad cold, but they do. (there are 3000 of these medications listed at http://www.carifree.com/. )
The frequency of returning to get a "Caries Risk Assessment and Screening" is:
1. Every 6 months for the average "low risk" patient. 2. Every 3 months for an "at Risk" patient and perhaps every month for an "extreme risk" patient....until a good, safe score is achieved and the person is "low risk".
So why is it absolutely recommended even for patients with "low Risk" to immediately begin the "prevention" and continue for the rest of their lives with regular risk assessments and a constant vigilance for unexpected risks.
Just consider this for a moment:
Dental Caries has been "pandemic" in the world for at least a couple of centuries.
It was the leading cause of death in our nation 200 years ago, and
today it is "epidemic" amongst toddlers, 78% amongst 17 year olds, 94% amongst those between 20 and 65 and moving into "pandemic" with our senior citizens.
The costs are accelerating at a government's predicted rate of 9% and are already $119 billion now with an estimated $167.3 billion in just the next 5 years.
It is 7 times more common than asthma for children, the most commonly experienced disease in the world and even though the demographics have changed a little, is considered on the increase world wide. It has proven to be deadly, destructive and expensive and it is just not worth the risk to try to ignore it or to discount it's influence and destructiveness.
Perhaps you should pass this information source to others around you. It would be a gift worth thousands or possibly tens of thousands of dollars they won't have to spend if they take our recommendations to "be cavity-free for life", not counting having better general health.
Hm? 801 643-1812
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Mothers transmit Dental Caries to their children and others. 1/2 price for cure until mothers day.
"Let's get back to the mothers and get them cured" would be the best strategy to eradicate dental caries (the disease that causes cavities) since they are the "primary source".
Articles from behavior scientists and even the American Dental
Association have published ways to motivate mothers of young children to do what it takes to not be the "primary source" of childrens' dental disease.
In a recent seminar on the internet concerning the "be cavity-free for life", it was stated that we have the same bacteria in a healthy biofilm as we do in a cariogenic (dental decay producing) biofilm. They just behave differently. Even those mothers who have and do not exhibit signs of active caries (yet) or possibly do not have active Dental Caries disease in their mouth at this moment, "cannot be classified as low risk". In other words every mother could be considered a "carrier". Even if all of the usual and customary risk factors related to snacking, diet, oral hygiene, fluoride and sealants etc are managed, there are risk factors that may catch a mother off guard and flip her into "high risk" to even "extreme risk" without her even knowing it. This is why a regular "caries risk assessment and screening" is necessary at least every 6 months for the entire life span.
What would be the risks that could catch an apparently "managed" patient off guard???
"Life Stressors" and "Medications".
Life Stressors: We all have challenges and we all have our ups-and-downs throughout life. Besides being sensitive to the usual risk factors, oral biofilm can begin to change into higher risk level with an argument with your spouse, automobile accident, new illness announcement for you or others ie. cancer, diabetes etc, loved one or pet dying, going away from home for the first time to school and other challenges in normal living experiences. Normally we don't relate these at all with the condition of our oral biofilm, but now we will have to be more aware of these types of changes. You may want to have a "caries risk assessment and screening" more frequently than "regularly" under these circumstances.
Medication: There is a list of 3000 medications that will contribute to "hyposalivation" or "xerostomia" called by most people...."dry mouth" http://www.carifree.com/. "Dry mouth" can produce even "extreme risk" even when it is undetected. It is estimated that 85% of people are not aware that they have this "hyposalivation" or "dry mouth".
You will see many very familiar medication names as over-the-counter analgesics or for flu or cold relief that could catch you off guard. You may be sensitive to dramatic changes with your oral biofilm with even one doctor-prescribed medication such as for Lupus, diabetes muscle relaxants or for high blood pressure not to mention just the diseases of : uncontrolled diabetes, sjogrens disease or bulemia that can cause dry mouth. It was estimated that people over 75 years of age have an average of 5 medications and the average number of medications for people in nursing homes as 8 or more. This may be the reason that we have witnessed what has been called the "Tsunami" of oral disease amongst senior citizens. It can happen at any stage of life!.
So. don't permit a false sense of security from traditional dentistry notions that dental decay is caused by sugar or poor oral hygiene and have a very bad surprise with the onset of a high risk to dental caries and dental decay to endure and pay for !
All mothers and prospective mothers (even primary care givers) should have a Caries Risk Assessment and Screening now. The "Caries Risk Assessment" is free of charge and 1/2 price for "treatment" of Dental Caries is available until mothers day, 2010......about one month.
Call us at 801 643-1812 for a short appointment or drop in at one of the open houses at 710 40th street, South Ogden.
Articles from behavior scientists and even the American Dental
Association have published ways to motivate mothers of young children to do what it takes to not be the "primary source" of childrens' dental disease.
In a recent seminar on the internet concerning the "be cavity-free for life", it was stated that we have the same bacteria in a healthy biofilm as we do in a cariogenic (dental decay producing) biofilm. They just behave differently. Even those mothers who have and do not exhibit signs of active caries (yet) or possibly do not have active Dental Caries disease in their mouth at this moment, "cannot be classified as low risk". In other words every mother could be considered a "carrier". Even if all of the usual and customary risk factors related to snacking, diet, oral hygiene, fluoride and sealants etc are managed, there are risk factors that may catch a mother off guard and flip her into "high risk" to even "extreme risk" without her even knowing it. This is why a regular "caries risk assessment and screening" is necessary at least every 6 months for the entire life span.
What would be the risks that could catch an apparently "managed" patient off guard???
"Life Stressors" and "Medications".
Life Stressors: We all have challenges and we all have our ups-and-downs throughout life. Besides being sensitive to the usual risk factors, oral biofilm can begin to change into higher risk level with an argument with your spouse, automobile accident, new illness announcement for you or others ie. cancer, diabetes etc, loved one or pet dying, going away from home for the first time to school and other challenges in normal living experiences. Normally we don't relate these at all with the condition of our oral biofilm, but now we will have to be more aware of these types of changes. You may want to have a "caries risk assessment and screening" more frequently than "regularly" under these circumstances.
Medication: There is a list of 3000 medications that will contribute to "hyposalivation" or "xerostomia" called by most people...."dry mouth" http://www.carifree.com/. "Dry mouth" can produce even "extreme risk" even when it is undetected. It is estimated that 85% of people are not aware that they have this "hyposalivation" or "dry mouth".
You will see many very familiar medication names as over-the-counter analgesics or for flu or cold relief that could catch you off guard. You may be sensitive to dramatic changes with your oral biofilm with even one doctor-prescribed medication such as for Lupus, diabetes muscle relaxants or for high blood pressure not to mention just the diseases of : uncontrolled diabetes, sjogrens disease or bulemia that can cause dry mouth. It was estimated that people over 75 years of age have an average of 5 medications and the average number of medications for people in nursing homes as 8 or more. This may be the reason that we have witnessed what has been called the "Tsunami" of oral disease amongst senior citizens. It can happen at any stage of life!.
So. don't permit a false sense of security from traditional dentistry notions that dental decay is caused by sugar or poor oral hygiene and have a very bad surprise with the onset of a high risk to dental caries and dental decay to endure and pay for !
All mothers and prospective mothers (even primary care givers) should have a Caries Risk Assessment and Screening now. The "Caries Risk Assessment" is free of charge and 1/2 price for "treatment" of Dental Caries is available until mothers day, 2010......about one month.
Call us at 801 643-1812 for a short appointment or drop in at one of the open houses at 710 40th street, South Ogden.
WHAT IF??? Patients were given ownership of their Doctor's office
I had been a regular dentistry guy happy to be doing family dentistry for 35 years until it was announced that Dental "Caries is both curable and preventable"....The "paradigm change" that established the "new Standard of care" for dentistry turned out to be a very shocking change for me. Just about everything I had been sincerely teaching my patients was discovered to be not true.(see article about "myths" by tapping this: http://www.carifree.com/)
came from the expert "traditional" dentists of the day. But with the advances that had been taking place at least since 2000, the new science made "myths" out of my most favorite patient education efforts. I trust good science, so I just dug in and got my mind around this new "modern" dentistry. Even though in a mild state of shock, I was delighted with the idea that this new announcement was very empowering to patients. From our "campaign office" for "eradicate dental caries in Utah in 2010" this cure was available without a "referral to the CureDontist" from their present dentist. They could just get an appointment or even just show up,unannounced,during one of the frequent open houses. Patients could have free access to this "cure" also from even the very remote places in the nation, from the internet.
So, really, what if the average dental practice of 1000 loyal patients was actually inherited by the very group of patients who called it their "dental home"..? huh? What would be your first two requests (demands) of your new candidates to be your next dentist?
I just asked my wife. She replied that s
he would request "quality".
I probed the answer.............so, perhaps the highest quality....................
implant and crown?.....after getting the original cavity which got recurrent decay, crumbled and had to be replaced with a crown, but the nerve died and the crown was weakened and lost from drilling the root canal access through the top and the root split and the root canal failed, causing the loss of the highest quality crown also,,,leaving a space, into which an "implant" which would be covered with a high quality crown would be placed. It's all "quality", isn't it? (this is called the "dentist-go-round").
So the new patients would ask for the "highest" quality dentistry, which would be NO cavities!, right? So , Dr. first candidate, we want to be "cavity-free for life".
I am going guess, that if it were me, I would ask also to eventually eliminate costs of maintaining this highest quality dental health...The reality would quickly set it, that even prevention is going to cost something, even if it is only pennies on the dollar as compared with paying for sickness, but if this were possible, even in the future, we,the new owners would want it.
I just reviewed a DVD produced around this very subject from a group called "Patients' Own" wellness association. It covered the "basics" and then presented "The Organization of Patients and the Money System". Ah-Ha !!..Even though this was made at least 5 years ago, still under the reign of "Traditional dentistry", it hit the bulls eye!
coupling this patient owned "organization and money system"
"be cavity-free for life",
we may have stumbled upon the newest generation of health care system reform..........done by patients, themselves!, ........in a totally logical, ethical and effective way....achieve Optimal Oral Health and use the financial power--patients- already-have, and create the best and most powerful dental health system in the history of the world?!
After reading my blog about Optimal Oral health being the "first step", it seems that the very next step would be for patients to consider being "owners" of their own medical office. It would, then, seem logical to ask (demand?): to have "Optimal general Health",and since the new physician wouldn't be God, accept "the best health we could ever hope to have"........and possibly eliminate costs here also?
It would seem a dream. Guess what? It is already here. The only thing lacking is the first group of 1000 loyal patients to create the "prototype" to prove it to the rest of the nation. After actually achieving our requests (demands), we could get it copyrighted , patented or trademarked and allow everyone else to copy it and enjoy a higher quality of life on down the family line for many generations to come.
Keeping in mind that the thing that is better than insurance......not needing it!.
Regardless of where you live, you can be a part of this first group of patients, the "Charter group" of Patients' Own wellness association. We all will do everything we can to make this patient-owned facility at 710 40th street, South Ogden,Utah the first Patients Own wellness office! To those who actually dig in and achieve being "cavity-free for life" and Optimal general health, we want to then share with you the terrific benefits the patient-owners would have.
Call now: 801 643-1812 or email. www.PatientsOwn@hotmail.com. I am looking forward to meeting you and invite you into this terrific adventure!
came from the expert "traditional" dentists of the day. But with the advances that had been taking place at least since 2000, the new science made "myths" out of my most favorite patient education efforts. I trust good science, so I just dug in and got my mind around this new "modern" dentistry. Even though in a mild state of shock, I was delighted with the idea that this new announcement was very empowering to patients. From our "campaign office" for "eradicate dental caries in Utah in 2010" this cure was available without a "referral to the CureDontist" from their present dentist. They could just get an appointment or even just show up,unannounced,during one of the frequent open houses. Patients could have free access to this "cure" also from even the very remote places in the nation, from the internet.
So, really, what if the average dental practice of 1000 loyal patients was actually inherited by the very group of patients who called it their "dental home"..? huh? What would be your first two requests (demands) of your new candidates to be your next dentist?
I just asked my wife. She replied that s

I probed the answer.............so, perhaps the highest quality....................
implant and crown?.....after getting the original cavity which got recurrent decay, crumbled and had to be replaced with a crown, but the nerve died and the crown was weakened and lost from drilling the root canal access through the top and the root split and the root canal failed, causing the loss of the highest quality crown also,,,leaving a space, into which an "implant" which would be covered with a high quality crown would be placed. It's all "quality", isn't it? (this is called the "dentist-go-round").
So the new patients would ask for the "highest" quality dentistry, which would be NO cavities!, right? So , Dr. first candidate, we want to be "cavity-free for life".
I am going guess, that if it were me, I would ask also to eventually eliminate costs of maintaining this highest quality dental health...The reality would quickly set it, that even prevention is going to cost something, even if it is only pennies on the dollar as compared with paying for sickness, but if this were possible, even in the future, we,the new owners would want it.
I just reviewed a DVD produced around this very subject from a group called "Patients' Own" wellness association. It covered the "basics" and then presented "The Organization of Patients and the Money System". Ah-Ha !!..Even though this was made at least 5 years ago, still under the reign of "Traditional dentistry", it hit the bulls eye!
coupling this patient owned "organization and money system"
"be cavity-free for life",
we may have stumbled upon the newest generation of health care system reform..........done by patients, themselves!, ........in a totally logical, ethical and effective way....achieve Optimal Oral Health and use the financial power--patients- already-have, and create the best and most powerful dental health system in the history of the world?!
After reading my blog about Optimal Oral health being the "first step", it seems that the very next step would be for patients to consider being "owners" of their own medical office. It would, then, seem logical to ask (demand?): to have "Optimal general Health",and since the new physician wouldn't be God, accept "the best health we could ever hope to have"........and possibly eliminate costs here also?
It would seem a dream. Guess what? It is already here. The only thing lacking is the first group of 1000 loyal patients to create the "prototype" to prove it to the rest of the nation. After actually achieving our requests (demands), we could get it copyrighted , patented or trademarked and allow everyone else to copy it and enjoy a higher quality of life on down the family line for many generations to come.
Keeping in mind that the thing that is better than insurance......not needing it!.
Regardless of where you live, you can be a part of this first group of patients, the "Charter group" of Patients' Own wellness association. We all will do everything we can to make this patient-owned facility at 710 40th street, South Ogden,Utah the first Patients Own wellness office! To those who actually dig in and achieve being "cavity-free for life" and Optimal general health, we want to then share with you the terrific benefits the patient-owners would have.
Call now: 801 643-1812 or email. www.PatientsOwn@hotmail.com. I am looking forward to meeting you and invite you into this terrific adventure!
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