This image with the dialogue gives a very time sensitive and urgent invitation to people to consider just how much of a "major historic event" that can take place if people will actually accept the invitation of world class dental wellness scientists and do what it takes to "be cavity-free for life". You can view this graph and even read the dialogue if you tap the picture twice until it enlarges enough to read the dialogue. Not many times do we get to be a part of such a momentous happening in our lives or in the history of mankind. I will be happy to send an attachment of this graph with dialogue via email, if you contact me. Please take the dialogue seriously and pass it on to others so that we actually could see the eradication of dental caries as depicted on this graph with the extreme downward plunge rather than the continuing path upwards to ad an additional increase to our dental expenditures of $47.4 billions in addition to the $119.9 we probably will have this year. You may call me at : 801 643-1812 or email me at " or at the end of this post.
...........................................................THE END IS COMING................................................................
This really is ominous to one of two ways: (depending on what patients choose!)
1. The end of the centuries-long pandemic, deadly and very expensive disease, Dental Caries.
the END of out-of-control $billions per year increase in expenditures for dental care and the establishment of empowerment of patients to choose independent, patient controlled, wellness over the dependence on treatment oriented, drill-and-fill dentists and dental insurances or government subsidy schemes.( eradicating dental caries in the nation will have at least three financial boosts:
1. No expense for more "recurrent decay" on existing restorations.(estimated to be on 50% of restorations placed by dentists). This alone should reduce the annual expenditure for dental care by 50% to possibly 75%). Dental health maintenance with "be cavity-free for life" will obviously be very affordable for everyone.
2. Arresting the increases in dental expenditures for the future.(just between 2010 and estimated costs for 2015 are $47.4 billion dollars-INCREASE-not counting the continuance of each yearly amount adding to the increase! 2011, next year:-$119.9 billion PLUS the estimated $9.4 billion dollar INCREASE=a whopping $129.3 billion just next year! This is "sticker shock" big time and we'd be heading towards $167.3 billion in just 5 more years.
3. A person who is "cavity-free for life" will soon find out that adding the insurance middle man expense to the small amount of "prevention" costs won't make any sense and dental insurances will be destroyed by attrition. This will make a significant reduction in costs also.
2. be part of a "patient default"society,(continue to be indifferent and do nothing) and continue on up the estimated dizzy climb towards the $167.3 billion dollar federal government estimate of dental care expenditures in 2015.....and on and on into the future..(as probably estimated by the federal government, again).
Beware: This scenario will probably invite government "mandates" to protect the thumbsuckers from themselves since they won't do anything on their own dragging the rest of us into a very bad situation.!!
It is becoming increasingly obvious, that this is NOT a spectator sport!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Fireman and the Curedontist
The CureDontist and the Fireman have many things in common.
Fireman: put the fire OUT before moving in new stuff into your house.
Curedontist: Cure the Dental Caries disease before you
have any new restorations placed. (NOTE: it has been announced by dental health scientists that "recurrent decay" will happen on about 50% of restorations placed by dentists: the reason is that they placed the fillings in the mouth without first curing Dental Caries, the disease that caused the cavities in the first place)
Fireman: My job is to assist you to avoid fires altogether NOT to have to constantly fight preventable fires.
Curedontist: My success and goals are to help you and
your family be-cavity-free for life and to enjoy Optimal
general health.
For your next regular dental check up: Try the Curedontist. He doesn't get paid for cavities, but his success is when you are "cavity-free for life" and enjoy "Optimal general Health"
C.G.Sorensen, D.D.S. CureDontist
801 643-1812 or www.
You deserve to be cavity-free for life
Your children deserve to be cavity-free for life
Fireman: put the fire OUT before moving in new stuff into your house.
Curedontist: Cure the Dental Caries disease before you
have any new restorations placed. (NOTE: it has been announced by dental health scientists that "recurrent decay" will happen on about 50% of restorations placed by dentists: the reason is that they placed the fillings in the mouth without first curing Dental Caries, the disease that caused the cavities in the first place)
Fireman: My job is to assist you to avoid fires altogether NOT to have to constantly fight preventable fires.
Curedontist: My success and goals are to help you and
your family be-cavity-free for life and to enjoy Optimal
general health.
For your next regular dental check up: Try the Curedontist. He doesn't get paid for cavities, but his success is when you are "cavity-free for life" and enjoy "Optimal general Health"
C.G.Sorensen, D.D.S. CureDontist
801 643-1812 or www.
You deserve to be cavity-free for life
Your children deserve to be cavity-free for life
Timing Timing Timing
Good timing with your health can save you a lot of suffering and expense. This graph is a result of gathering information about fees for various procedures in dental offices in the mountain area. It will help illustrate this warning very well.
"Fissures" are very deep and narrow grooves on the tops and sides of mostly posterior teeth. It had been stated that 95% of cavities occurred at the bottom of these grooves because a patient's toothbrush can't even reach the bottom of the fissure to clean it sufficiently. That's the simplistic explanation but nevertheless the recommendation of choice is to prepare the fissured groove properly and place a "sealant" in it to help prevent dental decay from occurring there. In the 10th percentile of "mountain" dental offices a "sealant" may cost $28.00.
Now ,to explain why "timing" can save so much money. With an instrument that uses infra red laser to diagnose when the dental decay process has gone from the inner part of the fissure and penetrate into the inner part of the tooth called the Dentin. If the diagnosis of the fissured groove takes place after this perforation has taken place, it is now called a cavity and the treatment of choice is now NOT a sealant but either a silver amalgam filling or a composite filling. The time it takes to progress from an un-decayed fissure to one with dental decay is not predictable. It may take years, months,weeks or days, but after it has entered the dentin one of the types of filling needs to be done as soon as possible since once dental decay has entered the dentin it begins to get larger and deeper more rapidly.
There also is a fee schedule for one surface silver amalgams and one surface composites. A simple one surface silver filling will cost about $78 and a one surface composite would be about $97. If the dental decay is undetected before it gets infection into the nerve, the cost of a root canal on a molar is about $650 but will also need a $750 crown. So a sealant of $28 could be $97 and could be $1400 and "timing" is the variable.
Most people's teeth will not have any dental decay in them when they are first formed. With the effectiveness of Caries management by Risk Assessment nowadays, it is possible for anyone to keep a tooth free from dental decay for a lifetime. This is not a one time - good forever fantasy, but a patient can know ahead of time the risks that he may face throughout life and do what it takes to have excellent "risk management" and avoid all dental decay. This will be literally cost tens of thousands of dollars less expensive over a lifetime for the average person. This is not conjecture. After 35 years of "drill and fill" dentistry, I can also say, with total confidence from experience, it can cost many people tens of thousands of dollars to care for their teeth throughout a lifetime.
So, when have you chosen to be the last day to have a cavity? If it is left to later, as one of my good friends did ,it may cost you $30 thousand to $40 thousand dollars. If it happens earlier in your life, the unnecessary expense can be avoided.....finally. As I mentioned, it may be only a matter of days of waiting too long to add hundreds of dollars to the dental bill for a child who originally only needed some sealants, or only needed to have a "cure" and "prevention" program initiated. These hundreds of dollars can quickly turn into thousands or tens of thousand of dollars as the years go by.
If the mother is the primary source of the child's Dental Caries disease and the best recommendations of experts is to help the mother avoid this transmission to her children by curing and preventing the disase in her mouth promptly, it could be multiples of thousands of dollars saved even while the children are at home! This is very close to me also. My own mother had a particularly virulent case of Dental Caries disease and me and all of my brothers and sisters had terrible dental decay as children, teenagers and adults. I estimated that before a professor at my dental school taught me "Primary" dentistry, the costs of silver fillings, resins and gold work adjusted to today's prices, was an equivalent of over $20,000 myself.
So, as a family shows interest in putting a stop to any more of this useless and financial wasteful dental decay trap, I see mothers first, then fathers and then around the family with the initial "Risk Factor Assessment" and then the "Cariscreen" meter reading.
There is always a self assessment each person makes as to whether he needs this and it is worthwhile to make the small effort in time and expense to accomplish "be cavity-free for life."
Can I offer some insights? The accuracy of the risk assessments and also the CariScreen ATP meter reading of your biofilm is easy for those who have recently had dental decay. But, there are some warnings I need to share with those who seem to be "not" having cavities.
1. They may have "active" Dental Caries disease but the early damages have not reached the stage that they are clinically detectable yet. There could be 90% of a person's cavities in this range for months or years before the cavities are "clinically detected". This type of patient will think they don't need any treatment or prevention, but our recommendation is to go through Dental Caries treatment and Prevention until the ATP meter and the Risk assessments find him at "Low Risk" ("Low Risk" is relatively safe but still needs a strict "prevention" treatment with 3 or 6 month periodic risk assessments and screenings since, without warning a seemingly small change in medications, early or undetected illness, life stressors or dietary change the "balance" they could find themselves "at risk" or worse, "extreme risk" )."AT Risk" usually has active Dental Caries and needs the full treatment followed by a lifetime of "prevention' with periodic checks.
2. A patient could be found at a point where they do NOT have active Dental Caries disease and there are not any areas of damage from the disease. These people could have been free from presence of dental cavities for a year, or decades of years. They will be tempted to fall into a false sense of security that somehow they are immune to cavities. These are the cases that can bring the greatest heartbreak. Even these....we don't have cavities....people will benefit from having the risk assessment and Cariscreen ATP meter regularly. It just doesn't seem logical to them until they realize that it's not just poor diet or poor oral hygiene that can throw a person into AT Risk or Extreme risk quickly and without warning.
"Life stressors" such as even an emotional challenge with a spouse or child, losing a job or even threat of losing a job, leaving home for the first time an automobile accident or illness of a loved one or even a pet, etc can cause enough stress to throw the Dental Caries balance off and the patient could quickly be At risk. As simple as just being on a new medication whether for serious illness or injury or not or temporarily or for longer term, can throw a person off balance and into "at risk" or "extreme risk". A significant number of people have undiagnosed diabetes or heartdisease. Even an "undiagnosed" disease can affect the "balance" and throw a person into "at risk" without warning. So, I guess nobody can relax, even the ones with the best history.
Benefitting from the unique and valuable service from your CureDontist is not "leaving" or being disloyal to your "dentist" any more than seeing any other specialist in dentistry or medicine. I, as a CureDontist won't be doing "procedures" or fillings so I am really not in competition with your already chosen reparative 'dentist'. I concentrate on Cure and Prevention (Risk Management). If your dentist is interested in offering the benefits of the total "Patients' Own wellness association" he is more than welcome to join with us. It would be ideal if all dentists were advocates and active members of Patients' Own wellness since it starts with "be cavity-free for life and adds "Optimal general health". If you have any questions, please feel free to call: 801 643-1812 or email me at: or I look forward to meeting you some day soon.
Future: Success or Failure?
Using the very latest science and technological advances promising "be cavity-free for life" boldly comes after literally centuries of the dental decay causing disease, Dental Caries, in a world Pandemic proportion. It is reported to be in 98% of third world countries. From various sources, it has been suggested that here in the United States, 95% suffer Dental Caries. It is described as "epidemic" amongst toddlers, 78% incidence amongst 17 year olds with a stated, 92% from ages 20 to 65 and then becomes, as some have described the "Tsunami of oral disease" and approaching pandemic proportions amongst the senior citizens. A Utah insurance company stated that before the age of 45, 99% experience dental decay. The costs of dental care in the nation have been reported to be $1.9 billion in 1960 and in a recent report from the ADA (American Dental Association) that "the Feds predict dental spending to reach $167.3 billion in 2015."
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a huge contradiction so far???
"Economic projections for the health care industry are certainly of great interest to dentistry" according to Dr. Al Guay, ADA chief policy adviser. I'll bet it is! It didn't mention that it should be "of great interest" to patients, though !
We patients seem to be very silent on the matter, but this is, after all, a report from the ADA to dentists, not a report from a patient organization to patients. (where is that at?...see future blogs about Patients' Own wellness association coming)
It was interesting that they mention several possible influences on this future dental care costs prediction such as: the consumer price index and GNP, supply and demand, the aging of our society, and the "expensive and unpredictable nature of new technologies and more but not once was it even insinuated that the patients themselves have any influence on this future scenario. The article did mention the need for "society to confront the underlying questions of supply and demand" but no further details. Not even a mention about the ultimate answer to rising costs.....reduce or eradicate disease!
I am anticipating the announcement in the near future that "Dental Caries has been wiped off the face of the earth". You and I need to consider the methods that were used!?
PATIENTS HAVING TAKEN THE INITIATIVE to apply "cure" and "prevention"?
(I wonder who will make that choice???)
We now need to have a very important discussion! It needs to be honest and accurate!
Up to the early part of 2000, what is now called "traditional dentistry" was and still is heavily influenced by the "odontopathic plaque" theory, or usually called the "plaque theory". It's author has been suggested to be Dr. Willoughby Miller from 1889. Scientific progress has been constant, usually influenced by the level of development of research methods and especially technology. When the "plaque theory" was proposed, the microscope was just coming into use in understanding very rudimentary microbiology and was comparatively very primitive compared to the use of DNA sequencing and the newest generation of super microscopes we now have. The huge paradigm change in dental health science, as a result, has given new and more accurate analysis of the cariogenic biofilm called Dental Caries disease. Much of what we had considered as "facts" have been changed to the "myths" of dental health much to the shock of dentists and patients alike.
(This article is found at the web site of under "Facts vs Myths")
"placement of fillings has been ineffectual", "you can't brush the disease away", "fluoride" is not effective in curing Dental Caries in adults, it is the pH of the biofilm, not sugar, which causes dental caries etc.
There is an alarming tendency for dental patients to be indifferent to the announcements that Dental Caries is both curable and preventable. This indifference has resulted in a huge amount of disease damage but also at least $48.7 billions of dollars in dental care expense that could have been unnecessary had patients simply heeded the announcements from the most reputable sources possible. We, as patients, will either begin to PAY ATTENTION OR PAY MONEY !!!
2003: The U.S. Surgeon General announced that we had "safe and effective measures" to PREVENT........Dental Caries and that this was a "WAKE-UP CALL". Then dental care expenses were $71.2 billion. This year it approximates $119.9 billion with the aforementioned statistics. That is a difference of $48.7 (possibly a $1 million bonus to 48,700 dental offices, paid by patients!......does this pass your "sniff" test?, did patients respond to a "wake-up" call from the highest government authority for the health of the nation, the Surgeon General??????).
Patients were totally empowered in the 2007 announcement that Dental "Caries was both CURABLE and preventable...".(2007 CAMBRA Consensus Statement: for November, 2007). The top clinicians, scientists and educators in the nation endorsed this "consensus". The costs of dental care in 2007 was then up to $96.3 billion. The difference between then and today is (only) $23.6 billion.....(only) $26,600,000. possibly another million dollars per year bonus to 26, 900 dental offices, paid by patients who still are looking for "lower prices" and "more insurance" and "government assistance", but obviously remain resistant to applying effective "cure" and achieve being "cavity-free for life".
So, back to the original question of "success or failure" of the eradication of Dental Caries from the earth (starting with you) and: when it does happen, will the government have to step in and
"mandate" patients to apply the simple methods to cure, and prevent, Dental Caries, once and for all time.
The scientists are on the patients' side and we have been given all the information and opportunities to be pro-active, to actually take only a couple of minutes,, and pennies-on- the-dollar to start curing and preventing Dental Caries NOW?
ignore a wake-up call and just hit the snooze button and pay millions more into the hands of traditional, drill-and-fill dentists? ........and complain......
Stay connected for future blogs with , call: 801 643-1812 or email us at : or
We invite your comments and to join with us. Vote for Patients' Own wellness with your example of success.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Are you a Carrier of the Dental Caries disease?
If a person feels good and seems to be without "symptoms" of a disease, they still can be a carrier of the disease and possibly effect transmission to other people. The "infectious nature" of the disease, Dental Caries (causes dental decay in teeth) is a reason it has maintained itself in a "Pandemic" level in the world for literally centuries. Use of DNA analysis and serology has informed researchers of the "Primary source" of this disease in the mouths of children. It is the mother or primary care giver who transmits this disease to the mouths of babies, toddlers and children through what is called "vertical transmission", between the ages of 6 months to 30 months of age. "Horizontal transmission" can result in the spread of this disease to other children in the family, and even to and from people outside the family circle.
There has been a great deal of mis-information concerning the nature of the disease, Dental Caries in the past but due to advancements in research technology, many concepts need to be up-dated with dental professionals and patients alike. With information like: 95% of the nation experiences dental decay, 99% of people in Utah have dental decay before they are 45 years old, Dental Caries is epidemic amongst children and slipping into pandemic with Senior Citizens, 92% of people between ages 20 to 65 have dental decay, it is a great probability that none of us will be free from active disease or at least be a carrier AND NOT KNOW IT!. The key to avoiding unnecessary damage and expense to our teeth is to use the very earliest detection of the presence of the disease "risk" "even before it has caused damage", by using the powerful, "Caries Risk Factor Assessment" and and the one minute screening instrument called the CariFree ATP meter screening on a regular basis. Without warning any person's "biofilm" can change from being "healthy" to being "cariogenic"(able to cause dental decay) due to many factors (subject of future "post") therefore the "Caries Risk Assessment" and the Carifree Screening will be necessary and very helpful in maintaining "Optimal Oral Health" and to be "Cavity-free for Life". Call 800 745-0159 or email: for personal coaching and information. Follow this blog for more up-to-date information...
There has been a great deal of mis-information concerning the nature of the disease, Dental Caries in the past but due to advancements in research technology, many concepts need to be up-dated with dental professionals and patients alike. With information like: 95% of the nation experiences dental decay, 99% of people in Utah have dental decay before they are 45 years old, Dental Caries is epidemic amongst children and slipping into pandemic with Senior Citizens, 92% of people between ages 20 to 65 have dental decay, it is a great probability that none of us will be free from active disease or at least be a carrier AND NOT KNOW IT!. The key to avoiding unnecessary damage and expense to our teeth is to use the very earliest detection of the presence of the disease "risk" "even before it has caused damage", by using the powerful, "Caries Risk Factor Assessment" and and the one minute screening instrument called the CariFree ATP meter screening on a regular basis. Without warning any person's "biofilm" can change from being "healthy" to being "cariogenic"(able to cause dental decay) due to many factors (subject of future "post") therefore the "Caries Risk Assessment" and the Carifree Screening will be necessary and very helpful in maintaining "Optimal Oral Health" and to be "Cavity-free for Life". Call 800 745-0159 or email: for personal coaching and information. Follow this blog for more up-to-date information...
Be Cavity-Free for Life
The announcement: dental "caries is both curable and preventable", is one of the most powerful influences for change ever made. The application of the science behind this bold announcement is now available and supporting the invitation to all people to..."Be Cavity-free for Life". (
Every person on earth is now empowered to have control and rid their lives of this:
world Pandemic disease
expensive: financially and irreversible damage to body parts
potentially deadly
health & wellness destroying
fear and anxiety and painful
negative self image, loss of work and school effectiveness
It is powerful enough to start the "WELLNESS REVOLUTION" ,& permanently replace all dental and many medical and government insurance systems with: Optimal Oral and Optimal General Health, patient-owned wellness and financial system, owned and controlled by the patients themselves. ........Patients' Own wellness association
It is powerful enough to wipe Dental Caries disease from the face of the earth!
call: 800 745-0159 or email to
Every person on earth is now empowered to have control and rid their lives of this:
world Pandemic disease
expensive: financially and irreversible damage to body parts
potentially deadly
health & wellness destroying
fear and anxiety and painful
negative self image, loss of work and school effectiveness
It is powerful enough to start the "WELLNESS REVOLUTION" ,& permanently replace all dental and many medical and government insurance systems with: Optimal Oral and Optimal General Health, patient-owned wellness and financial system, owned and controlled by the patients themselves. ........Patients' Own wellness association
It is powerful enough to wipe Dental Caries disease from the face of the earth!
call: 800 745-0159 or email to
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